Interview with sparkle

Hewo Everyone!

I iz part of dis pawsome gang on twitter called #psgt (pawsomest gang on twitter) and some of da furs has kindly agreed to be interviewed so firstly I would like to introduce Sparkle to you a bewtiful puddy tat what made furiends wiv me after a really hard day when I had been bullied by horripaw hoomins on my walkies and den introduced me to da #psgt #bestgang!  Sparks is da most kind, caring and loyal pal dat I dus know! If you wants to follows her you can dus at @sparklecatcat on twitter! I hopes you enjoy da interview!


Tell me a bit about yourself Sparks how you ended up wiv your hoomin?

My mums old tabby cat died aged 17 and mum was very upset. Apparently he was the best thing on 4 paws. Mum said the house felt so empty wivout him but felt disloyal getting anufur cat. She lasted a week & den decided the best thing to do would be to foster kittens for Cats Protection. She passed the requirements and next day me and my 3 black fur sisters were delivered.

We were 4 weeks old! We filled the house with fun and completely ruined all the curtains and furniture!  We made a huge hole in the side of the sofa & lived inside for a while and I also got stuck behind the freezer. Four kittens togefur are mad but mum absolutely loved it. When it came to us being rehomed mum couldn’t do it and wouldn’t answer the phone. But in the end she agreed to let 2 sisters be rehomed togefur and kept me and my sisfur Pickle.  Pickle was the funniest , bravest little thing , I loved her so much we were always togefur, we even shared a hammock to sleep in.

One day though, when she was 18 months old, Pickle got to brave and crossed the main road, she never made it. Mum and I were heartbroken. So for 4 years me and mum were on our own but then she went with a friend to a cat rehoming day and came home wiv my furbro Riley.

What goes on in your typical day?

In a typical day I wake mum up and we have breakfast , den I check out the garden and den I walk round da house doing the loudest meows ever, anyone that hears me would fink I in pain. I like mum to open all the doors for me, I don’t like nuffink being shut. When all doors are opened to my satisfaction I get in my hammock which hangs on the radiator and snooze. I do that for a while and then I may go out in da garden again or try and get under mums feet. If there is any paperwork then I make sure I sit on it. I will have a little wash and then it be tea time and then time for twitter. Before we go to bed I always have a little chicken snack.

Is your hoomin well trained Sparks and if she is how did you manage it?

Yes she very well trained, she does exactly as she told or I don’t stop meowing and she says it goes straight through her head. In da morning if she doesn’t wake up I put my paw on her nose to make sure she gets up to give me my breakfast.

How did you end up getting on twitter?

Mum had to have an operation wiv a long recovery time. She had a twitter account but didn’t use it much but started using it more whilst recuperating. She got involved in trying to help find ratty_tinywolf when she went missing & from that started chatting to some doggys. I wasn’t having any of that so mum made me my own account so that I could chat too. Da rest, as dey say, is history!

Dus you fink cats are smarterer dan us doggies?

I fink cats are defo smarter dan dogs. We do our own fing, we not do any silly sit, lay down,  fetch business. We not grateful for anyfink , our hoomans be grateful if we purr at dem for a bit.


What dus you enjoy da most about twitter?

I likes chatting wiv different anipals from around da world and finding fings out. Mostly though I likes to have fun and laugh wiv my pals.

What dus you hate doing da most during the day?

I iz a cat so I don’t do nuffink that I hatez. Probably da worst fing is if mum goes out and I have no one to meow at.

If woo had free wishes what would you wish fur?

I would wish dat all anipals had a loving home, dat there was no illness and dat efurryone could live in harmony.

Apart from the Gang on twitter who are your besties?

All my besties are in da gang , dey are a pawsome bunch of anipals , dey are the funniest, kindest pals ever. I loves dem furry much. I iz da only cat and dey look after me & protect me furry well. De only good pals dat are not in da gang are Dafluffarooniez , dey vewy good pals indeed.

Fanks woo fur taking part in my interview Sparks, what would you say your best personality trait is and your worst?

Fank u Moo fur interviewing me, who would have fort that I would be in a doggy bloggy!  I suppose my worst trait is that I am very demanding, I’m always wanting sumfink,  my best trait is I am a loyal friend
