Interview with Twitter’s biggest bear!

Every once in a while somefink really pawmazinks happens to us all and we just can’t beelebs what lucky furs we is!  I fort how pawsome it would be to interpaw a celebrity but couldn’t figure out whose to ask!  So anyways I got my courage and asked da fapawulous Mr Bear if I could interpaw him; and he said yes stwaight away I was so surprised and pawmazed so I gots myselfs all ready to meets him and armed myselfs wiv honey pies as he weally likes dem!!  I hopes woo enjoy meetings him as much I did interpawing him!  Mr Bear is on twitter wiv his teddy brofur Rocky.  You can follow him at @mrbearandrocky if woo dus be pawpared to laff alot he’s a very funny Bear!

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Mr Bear & Rocky!

Tell me a bit about yourself Mr Bear how you ended up wiv your minion?

I am a BIG bear. I am 3’3″ tall and I weigh 316lbs. Luckily minion is strong and can lift me. I prefer not to get my paws dirty so I like to be carried.  I found my minion when she was 5 years old and I was a baby bear.   We have been together ever since.

What goes on in your typical day?

Since I am a BIG bear, I have to eat a lot.  I demand at least 7 meals a day and 6 snacks, however, that is my bear minimum.  So I start the day with first breakfast and second breakfast then two morning snacks. Then there is first lunch and second lunch and two more snacks. Finally, there is first, second and third dinner, followed by evening snack and midnight snack.  Besides eating, I like to take naps. A bear needs a lot of sleep to keep his fur looking good.  Other than that, I generally supervise my minion and make sure she does what she’s supposed to do.

Is your minion well trained and if she is how did you manage it?

My minion is sadly not well trained despite my best efforts. I have a bell that I use to alert her when I need something. She is pretty good about running over to me when I ring my service bell, however, she is not good at following through with my requests.  I ask for cakes and pies and she brings me horrible green veggie things because she says they are healthy.  She is wrong. Veggies are not good for bears, cakes and pies are good for bears.

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Mr Bear Loves His Pies!!!!

How did you end up getting on twitter?

I used to be on Facebook but they deleted me when they were in there animal discrimination phase. Now, I hear that they are okay with animals but it’s too late.  I will not allow Facebook the honor of my presence.  I went to Twitter instead and I am much happier here.

What do you and Rocky enjoy doing togefur?

Rocky is my beary best friend. We do ebearything together. Rocky usually hangs out on my lap or on my head when he’s not fetching things for me and when he’s not piloting my Bearjet. Rocky is a beary good pilot and flies my Bearjet all over the world to pick up my pals and take me places.

What dus you enjoy da most about twitter?

The best thing about twitter is getting to meet pals from ebearywhere.  I have met a lot of fellow bears as well as many other animals.  I’m also friends with a very select group of humans.  Most humans don’t interest me and I find them boring.

What dus you hate doing da most?

I refuse to do work. I am a bear and bears should never have to work.  Unfortunately, my minion is so clueless that she needs a lot of supawvision.  It is beary tiring to supawvise my minion and I don’t enjoy doing it at all.

If woo had free wishes what would you wish fur?

My three wishes would be: #1 unlimited supply of HONEY pies! #2 A bearpool with a beartub and a personal bearwaiter to bring me icey honey drinks with little umbrellas in them.  #3 A personal bearchef.

Dus you have a speshul somefur in your life Mr Bear (like a girlbear)?

I am a proud Bearchelor. I don’t have a girlbearfriend and I don’t want one. I prefer to hang with my buddies.  Although I do think that @TabithaTeddy is beary pretty.

Mr Bear, what would you say your best personality trait is and your worst?

My best personality trait is that I am a beary confident Bear and ebearybody likes me.  I don’t have a bad personality trait because I am pawfect.  My minion says I have an overly healthy ego but she is confused, as usual.

Mr Bear 1

A True Champion of a Bear!

5 thoughts on “Interview with Twitter’s biggest bear!

  1. Loved it! Great interview! Minion just said overly “healthy” ego because she has to make everything healthy 😉

  2. Oh my cat! What a grate informative inturrview. We had no idea yoo needed to watch after yer minion so carefully. And yoo really do nom a lot!

  3. I can’t believe I missed this before. MOUSES!

    What a great interview and what a BIG bear. Wow.


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