
We is celebrating the birfdays/gotcha days of Phi (@3phibotticelli), Katie (@katiepops_L) and Tommy (@tommypug) – we will has moosic and noms so pawlease helps us celebrate dere gotcha/birfdays!  Everyfur welcome.

We has some very kind furs dat has agreed to be your barktenders and DJ’s!  Let me introduce dem to woos:


3-4pm EST: Doggymolly IMG_3450



4-5pm EST: PepperpomPepper




5-6pm EST: TweetingtrumanTruman




6-7pm EST: Tweetingtruman and Bilbo_the_Bunny

Bilbo barktending      Truman


3-4pm EST: Skye613Skye



4-5pm EST: kingtuttifruitikingtuttifruiti








5-6pm EST: shaynacatDJ Shayna (1)




6-7pm EST: IamrustycatRusty






KPT Pawtails

Flaming Pawtails

Birfday Punch


Here come the Girls Pawtails


Strawberry Pawgherita


Pawna Colada

Sangria Pawty Pawtail


Bacon Wrapped Onion Rings

BBQ BurgersLasagnePhi Glazed ChickenBacon BurgersKatie's SteakPuggy Sausages

Malteser Birfday Cayk

Birfday Biscuits

I hope dat woo all has a weally good time!

Dis is such a good idea dat Emma has had!


I would like to mention right off the bat that this post may contain some disturbing images of Stuffies (for those not “in the know”, Stuffies are your dog’s stuffed toys).

Lately I have been reading from my friends that a lot of Stuffiess have lost their lives to injuries, this is quite sad for most of us dogs. We love our Stuffies, perhaps a little bit too much and then all of the sudden, they are no more.

These days my sister and I don’t play with toys that much, I have Bunny and Puppy and Katie

plays an occasional game of tug of war with some toys but we don’t spend as much time with them as we used to. Some of our friends that come over really enjoy playing with our toys. I think this is because our toys are new to them, so our Stuffies are…

View original post 420 more words

A “fursib” pawroblem

After talkings wiv a few anipals on da twitter and especially Nerissa the Cat I has pawcided to share all my doggy wisdom wiv my anipal furiends cos lets face it da more knowledge we has da better!  So I fort what can I chat abouts and quite frankly it wasn’t hard to find a topic but den somefink happened earlier and I fort I must share it wiv woo all!

My Fursibs

So in my familee dere is da hoomin mummy (humum for short) and da hoomin daddy (hudad for short) and den dere is my fursibs now don’t get me wrongs I dus in my “own way” wuffs my fursbis but fur some reason day fink dat MY treats is to be shared!  Now I am not an unweasonable fur by any means but being da BOSS of da household I finks its only weasonable dat ALL treats should remain my treats and I could share out to my fursibs what I dus feel is appawpriate!

So after finking about dis fur a while I hit upon a pawsome plan dat instead of my humum sharing da treats between all my fursibs dat I just gets all da the treats and den dat way I can gives out what I finks is a fair amount of treats to my fursibs!

I fink dat is da pawfect solution so I was finking  how can I put dis forward to my humum (she has dis great philosophy dat sharing keeps us all happy) so I fort if I could put this gently to her she would understand me For some reason she is not da greatest for finking along da lines of “all-the-treats-are-molly’s” philosophy (I has to make allowances wiv her just being a humum and all) so as you can imagines I certainly had my works cut out fur me!

My “butter wouldn’t melt look”

But fear not I had the “coup d’etat” dis tried and tested way has served me very well over da years and my humum no matter how much she tries she cannot ignores its da “head-to-da-side” look, now don’t gets me wrong dis look has taken years to pawfect it can’t be learned overnights but I has really got it down really well I finks!

I lets woo in on a secret I dus this looks then I looks down and looks away (dis is the key to success knowing when to lookies away) den when my humum finks I’m not lookings I look up at her again and do dis whimpering sound and she smiles and I knows I has got it in da bag!

Now having three fursbis da humum can quite often get diverted so I has to do the look over again – trust me dis takes pawtience but I has got it done to a fine art now and bingo the treats comes out – you would fink dis was da end of my pawlan but NO, so den phase two of my pawlan is put into action – I go and get a toy from da basket and all my fursibs (as day can’t resist the toy trick) will pawlay wiv da toys and da treats are all mine!!!!!

So dis is how I solve da “fursib” pawroblem where treats is concerned but as I has already said dis has taken alot of time and training my humum to come round to the right way of finking – my way of course!